An Actual Positive Note for Free College (and Liberal Policies Overall)

This is a clip of President Barack Obama speaking at a New York City fundraiser in 2015 that has gone quite viral because of his comedic remarks against the Republicans. He ridicules the opposing party, using examples of when their resistance against the democrats’ were just plain dumb. Although I identify as a Democrat myself, I am still unsure of the real benefits that the Democrats have made as I am also uneducated on how the nation’s economy really works and if the numbers that Obama gave on the economy are really on a better scale than when he first entered the White House. Yes unemployment went down and we are slightly out of the recession, but our national debt keeps piling and piling when there were plans that were made to reduce debt. However, that did not happen. I hear and read many views that are both from the Democrat and Republican side, which are both extremely contradictory. That make it difficult for someone in the the moderate side, or any side at all, to really know the facts unless they are directly part of the system and/or part of influencing the system.

Relating this to my free college research, many of the articles I read were against free college mostly because America does not have the economic capability to do so. Taxes would rise, colleges have to renovate, not only their facilities to fit the number of students, but also their system to be able to accommodate all the students while maintaining quality. Also, there are many sociocultural factors that come into play which provide the major differences between why European countries are able to so and not America as laid out in this article.


However, what if in the long run, this is actually a really great investment and again, Republicans are doing their utmost best to reject a free college proposal like with any proposal about a liberal, progressive idea like climate change and immigration? I am sure that climate change is real and we should take care of the environment instead of supporting big corporations that pollute the earth, especially when we have all the technology there to produce cleaner energy and all. As for immigration, there has to be some easier way for these people to gain citizenship, while keeping the run away criminals out of the country. (Side note: these criminals ruin it for everyone because they’re such a small percentage out of a large group of people, yet we stereotype everyone into those negativities). So what if making college more affordable leads to more students in college, which would then lead to a more educated work force, putting America thriving and ahead? We would never know unless we try, but we would have to be willing to the take the risks that come with it (as any business-like/entrepreneurial decision).

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